In this tutorial we will learn, how to zip the directory in linux with command line. Zip is a compression and file packaging utility for Linux, Unix, Windows and various Operating system. The zip helps to compress and reduce the size of file and directory. To zip a directory, first of all we will check, do we have zip command installed in Linux system.
The below command will help to find is zip installed or not.
# which zip (It will show the absolute path of zip)
In CentOS
# rpm -q zip
In Debian or Ubuntu
$ sudo dpkg -l zip
If you find it is not installed in system then install with given below command.
In CentOS or Red hat
# yum install zip
In Debian or Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install zip
After confirmation of installed zip package,now we will zip or compress the directory in Linux system. Use the given below command.
# zip -r /path/of/Directory
for eg.
We have a backup directory in /root/ (i.e /root/backup)
# zip -r /root/backup
The command will compress the directory with extension .zip
In above given eg. the compressed file name would be