What is DNS? How does it affect my Server?
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical system for...
Disk Broken! Do I Need Offsite Backups?
Most business owners know the value of having data backups...
What is the Intel Xeon Scalable Series CPU?
We’re proud to announce that VPS House has two huge new additions to our...
What is the Difference Between FAT32, exFAT, and NTFS
Whether you’re formatting an internal drive, external drive...
Trend in Cloud and Dedicated Servers
VPS House is currently seeing a change in the kind of orders we receive...
How Multi-CDN and Hybrid CDNs Further Improve Content Distribution
Content delivery networks (or CDNs) offer a reliable content...
Best 4 Security Tips for Your Dedicated Windows Server
It's official: server compromises are on the rise across the globe. In fact, in recent...
How to realize the price and performance coordination of the dedicated...
With so many available options, choosing dedicated servers for businesses can pose a variety...
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Business Tips
How Colocation Help Grow Your Business
Server colocation is an excellent way to prepare your IT infrastructure for expansion. While...
Dedicated Server 5 Advantages for Your Business
You understand the value of your company’s online presence.
You have your website, but how...
Tips for Staying in Compliance With the GDPR
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is one of the most sweeping corporate regulations...
Now you are working completely remotely?
Like many companies, a large percentage of VPS House Technology Group’s workforce is now...
Server Tech
How to install ownCloud on CentOS 7
OwnCloud 9.1.4 is an open source software for file sharing...